Cook Book
Er 1718
Cook book compiled by Joseph Wilson Relief Corps No. 49 of Lowell in 1955
Some of the ladies were: Agnes Watson, Maude Adrianse, Sarah Chrouch, Eithel Myers, Alta Rathburn, Ruby Andrews, Bessie Clarke, Olive Ritter, Minnie Hawk, Mildred Pinckney, Laura Dawson, Mable Barton, Minnie Huffman, Olivia Ayres, Nina Kaufman, Eva Yager, Ina Potter, Rozella Yeiter, Margaret Weaver, Millie Snyder
Businesses advertised: Highland Hill Dairy, C. H. Runciman Co, Hahn Hardware, The Levee, Cary's, Frank''s 5c to $1.00, Show Boat Inn, Ball Floral, Ron's Shell, Lowell Granite Co, Lowell Lumber and Coal, Lowell Bakery, Sanitary Market (Herm), Foreman's Poultry Farm, Wepman's Cut Rate, Bill Heim's Texaco, Moore's Lunch, Hazel's Hat Shop, Vic's Auto, Clark's Plumbing and Heating, Christiansen Super Market, Christiansen Drug Co, Bernies Barber shop, Gambles Store, The Rollins Agnecy, State Savings Bank, Avery's Jewelers
Origin Date
Origin Place
Lowell, MI
(had as artist)
(had as donor)